Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Perfect Clock

The persecution of the time, a necessity, an obsession, a hobby and a profession that dates back to the beginnings of human habitation. The attempt to create a perfect timing device that has proved difficult - very difficult. In fact, the search goes well today.

The earliest clock was presumably from a sundial stabbed a stick in the ground - a technique still in use today. As she watches developed further developed. Mechanisms came into use asWater clocks that measure time by a certain quantity of water from a ship when an exact opening or hourglasses, the sand generally in the same manner leaks.

Over the millennia, people have constantly been improving the methods of keeping time and the accuracy of the clock and again with new and improved designs. The water clock was the precise timing device for thousands of years. Also driven by the development of the spring clocks in the 15thCentury were water clocks even more accurate. The development of the pendulum clock in 17th Century changed that fact.

The use of pendulum introduced oscillation, or repetitive motion, the time measurement. With the rapid transition from mechanical to electronic technology in the search for accurate clocks produced fascinating progress. With quartz tuning forks, polycarbonate resonance and vibrations of the quantum theory in full agreement with the time has come only towithin 1 second in about 100 million years ago.

Continues to be the search. Perfect Clock is proving to be difficult to animal.

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