Saturday, December 12, 2009

Honing Your Pitch

When you are ready to launch a new product or service, or even a new company, chances are you've spent a lot of time, effort and probably money to prepare the expansion out. But how much time you spent to develop and rehearse what to say? If you're like most business people, probably not much that can come back and bite you.

I was recently at an event to get up in an entrepreneurial lucky entrepreneurs the opportunity in front of a roomful of potential investors haveand deliver one minutes to pitch his company. Unfortunately, this unfortunate individual a poor job preparing for this unique opportunity and wasted his precious sixty seconds warming up to his subject, talking about his competition and the market. He never did actually deal talks about his company and its products. The result was an audience that remained left to remember the names of all its competitors, but not be!

He would have turned it into a lucrative pitch ifit is only a little more time to go through what it is that his company and product names offer really think. This requires a degree of discipline, objectivity and practice. Think of this process in the same way you would normally select your elevator pitch - the brief but crucial ways someone to sell in the one-on-one environment of an elevator ride between floors for more. It is also similar to a radio spot, or even a highway billboard - you have a very short period inThat provide very clear about what you do.

This can be a difficult task for companies to sell a complicated technical product. However, it can happen. It means a step back from the technical specifications and features of the product and clearly identifying the pain he dealt with - the reason someone would buy it. It also requires what I call "with clarity" - the avoidance of grammatical and marketing crutches so often used by Sales and MarketingPeople. You know what I'm talking about "next-generation solution," "Leading Edge Technology", "operatibility driven performance". Purge this worst kind of fat from the sales pitch and you will begin to see the lights come on a lot of talk earlier in the people with whom you are trying to determine whether investors to potential customers or even your own board of directors .

If you think you have your message in plain language, take a deep breath and stretch editingKnife. See if you can to raise your pitch to twenty-five words or less. Make it as easy and as convincingly as possible. If you do, you can be sure that you will communicate with clarity.

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Real Love - Elliott + Katherine

I heard this song on the radio .. and Randy Jackson was an interview with 104.5 Chum FM .. i always leave my radio on but in the early morning I heard him talk about David Archuleta! I was desperately looking through my room for my camera (which is why it is dark is im sorry) .. and i only until the end of the recording of the song. So ... time on the clock is wrong ... and it doesn't really unbelievable sound like huh?

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Italian Charm Key Chain - A Guy's Gift

Have you ever thought about what to this day for a neighbor who helped with a big problem? This particular neighbor was my personal "knight in shining armor" because he lent me a hand in my moment of panic.

Let me at the outset. Things were not going well for me recently. It was nothing too serious, it's just that I had a little tension in my life. I was not sleeping well. That night I could not seem to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, aa hundred things started racing through my head. Finally, I decided to just get out of bed, go into the living room and listen to some relaxing music for a while. I finally fell asleep on the sofa and have slept very soundly. When I awoke, it was 7.30 clock - an hour after my usual wake-up time. I could vaguely hear my alarm clock up in my bedroom. I had prepared for the work and fast!

I pulled myself off the couch, took a quick shower, threw the clothes Ihad extinguished the night before, took what I needed and ran out the door. Unfortunately, last night I had to park my car almost a block way. I took a quick glance at my clock and realized that I was only about half an hour late. I had managed to make some of my lack of time already. I felt a bit relieved ... I am up to my car and discovered that I was not my keys. I now remembered that these keys are now resting comfortably locked in my townhouse.My house key safely on the same key ring! I was not a happy camper.

I scanned the area to try to something to break my window. Yes, I was desperate and not thinking clearly. Fortunately, my neighbor pulled into his parking pad next door. I have surprised him when I yelled his name, because I saw some of spilling his coffee when he close to his door in an attempt to balance a cup, his keys, a newspaper and a breakfast sandwich. I explained my situation and askedhis advice. I'm sure you know how that part turns out - he has me on part-time and practically insisted that I eat his sandwich. While I try to avoid as a rule, high-fat, fast food, who am I to turn down to breakfast, especially after my start to the day. (It was delicious - fat and all!)

Thanks to this wonderful friend, I was able to arrive on time at work and make my presentation without my stomach growling. I wanted to give my neighbor a thing as a token of my gratitude andfor a key ring. Not just any key ring, mind you, but an Italian charm key chain.

Italian Charms are interchangeable links, which can be arranged in any order and in a wide variety of ways: charms sports team, NASCAR charms, charm and patriotic, to name a few. These compounds are attractive in style for both women and men. I opted for an Italian charm key fob in the topic of NASCAR racing, because my neighbor is a huge NASCAR fan. He could no longer satisfied withit! Giving my friend Italian charm key ring was a perfect thank you for the kindness he showed me.

Incidentally, my "knight in shining armor" and picked me up at the end of my work day and arranged for a locksmith to take me at my home when we arrived. Guess what was the first key that my neighbors put on his new Italian charm key ring ..... I gave him a duplicate key to my front door.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Things Burning and Blowing Up

We put Elmo in a toaster, oven, clock / radio in a microwave, a car's airbag in a microwave oven and an air bag in the car a printer (which I must say is the most spectacular). Enjoy. ... Burn fire explosion fireworks exploding airbag car elmo explode microwave toaster oven clock radio Printers

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Liquid Swords - GZA

Heartbeat stopper Child educator, plus head amputator Cause niggaz styles such as Mark old 5 sneakers Lyrics are weak like clock radio speakers do not stop in my station and attack while your plan failed, press the track, like Amtrak What fuck for? Down by law, I make law I justice, I sentence ass two to four round the clock, that state pen time check, they with the pen but I can not stickin in crimes came through with the Wu, slid on the DL I'm low-key like ...

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Saturday, December 5, 2009


covered the skeleton country have been - they've all seen Bled with thorns - the bloody claws Ive loved and lost, hey, everything is dead for the cause of poetry, their divinity now bring it back to the good old homemade Heresy only dream turns when the clock again a studio with the kind permission of Radio Shack bought himself an autodidact, these primitive tools, not too bad for a boy from a family of ghouls can see I pressed record, which could be found of Midian, where I come now reigns supreme shares all your hopes and dreams and be ...

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Clocks Aren't Just For Telling Time - Other Uses For Clocks Around The World

Everyone knows what to do clocks - they tell time. But there are actually some other types of clocks all over the world and throughout history, that these devices as something completely different than what we think of automatically when we used to think about watches. You might be surprised, in fact, if you learn from all the other clocks for use from today.

For example, the clocks are not always used to say to you what time it is. In fact, they are often used toControl another device, such as a VDR or DVD player. If they are used in this way, you can use it to and fro in the cassette or CD to a particular part of the movie to find that you want to see.

The clocks are also used as a counter on explosive devices, down to enable the user to count, so that time to have made its way. Although there are many bad effects with the use of clocks, they are used in a good way - as for the destruction or missile launch. By counting down,It allows for maximum safety for all participants, that some might be when used properly.

Computer hangs actually clocks in their internal parts to synchronize their processing, documents and programs. While there is some control master computer networks and to abide by the time clock is a master, use normal computers their own internal clocks to keep themselves running to the right. Of course there are watches that help navigation, ships and planes around the takeoverWorld and have been around for hundreds of years. Navigation clocks using latitude and longitude to determine where their current position and the way they have in the position to get to their destination. In this way, the clocks are invaluable, because without a navigation system clock, many ships and pilots would be hopelessly lost.

Atomic clocks actually use a radio signal to help our GPS working and shows us where we are, where we should go, or if someone needs to go see, toThem. These radio signals bounced off satellites in space to find out exactly where people, cars, airplanes, and still are, need to go.

Ideal clocks are another form of watches, which you may not be familiar. These are more of a scientific principle that measure up to a natural process and to contribute to an accurate measurement, which can then be used in different physical theories give help. It's a bit hard to define an ideal clock, but is the easiest waysay that they have a recurring process to help other processes are periodic. Not all physical processes can be fully documented, though, the definition of ideal clocks usually depend on what kind of processes are used.

Of course there are also seismic watches, which help the arrival time of an earthquake, seismic waves, or other ground shaking happens to be determined. These clocks are used all over the world, to facilitate accurate reporting can be guaranteed to eachEarthquake or seismic event. There are so many different types of clocks around the world that many people do not realize that they are a kind of clock. And of course there are some that will be used for good and some that were used for bad purposes. It just depends on who sees it.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Batman - All Time Super Hero For Kids

Batman is a fictional character from the artist Bob Kane and the stories are written by writer Bill Finger. DC Comics is the publisher, introduced the Batman and the first appearance was in May 1939 in Detective Comics. Batman is a mysterious and brave superhero is that than fighting against crime and takes revenge for the death of his parents. Batman has changed the world of a comic icon and hero of many people and children. Children are very much in love and reverence for theBatman's cave of toys, which is at most toy stores all over the world.

The toy manufacturers have the fantastic idea of entry into the business by the wishes of children, which has the goal of their turnover. All Batman products are very popular and are in great demand. You get Batman Goods action figures, vehicles, costumes and games, which will include popular immediately after the release.

When a new film byBatman arrives on the market, the toy manufacturer, toys are released are from Batman, the different properties and characters in the film. Many children get the opportunity to choose toys for their tastes from the various options. Children are on the toy and character with their friends, and usually there is a debate about the various toys and the most popular ones. The sociability skills of the children are of this type, because that is the hot topic among the boys in the improvement ofMeetings.

The toys are the latest Batman movies released along the different species to represent the views of the figures and objects in the film. This toy is the symbol number, the Batman, the main character or object as the models of vehicles used in the film. These toys, which can come under the label of Batman even be used in the film electronic devices such as a radio alarm clock, or a night vision device with walkie-talkies. Batman toysChildren from the age of four years.

Many toys are electronic in nature and are models of high-tech gadgets that the Batman uses to fight in the movie. Batmobile is a favorite among the children who are Batman fans. The light and sound of this toy are quite impressive. Advanced adhesive technology used in the Batcave tower, still a Batman merchandise. This can be used to create towers of up to three feet high inside the house. Batman costumes are for children under theAged between three to four and five to seven years. This latest toy hat, cap, overalls and belts have.

Children are very much excited with Batman toys. With this toy, they will be interested to dress up in Batman costumes and is happy to go into the wonderful world of Batman. It is a perfect gift for the children, because that is the most wanted toys for them immediately after the latest movies.

But lately there has been some discussion about children deificationBatman. Some psychologists believe that homosexuality portray Batman stories that a mental confusion among the young children how to create the worship of the great comic heroes. Not much has not yet come, it remains to be seen what direction this debate is to take eventually.

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Monday, November 30, 2009

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Atomic Clocks - History and Development

Atomic clocks have with us for over fifty years and most people have heard about it and know that they are very accurate, but what exactly are they and why do we need so accurate clocks?

Atomic clocks are used by many of us, even if we are not aware of it. The time to say it passed around the world and lifted by the time servers using the NTP protocol to synchronize the networks, they are for many technologies, such as global satellite system, vital, and TV signalTiming.

Before the development of the atomic clock accurate timekeeping devices of electronic watches, which were to lose one or two seconds per week. They were largely replaced mechanical watches that were less accurate still.

Mankind has always had a fascination for knowing the persecution of the time, however, just at the time has never been too important. A second or even one minutes difference does not affect our day to day lives.

However, such advanced technologythe need for a more precise measurement of time has increased. Satellites that are to navigate and communicate with the earth of a hundred, a thousand or even millions of miles away requires precise timing. Light and radio waves can travel so 300,000 km / second, so that there will be slight variations in the time differences are massive.

The first accurate atomic clock was built y the British National Physical Laboratory in 1955 by Dr Louis Essen, based on his clock to theVibration of the cesium atomic -133. The idea was actually first conceived as far back as 1879, when Lord Kelvin, that temporary leadership on how atoms behave would be a better way, at intervals than anything proposed in the crowd.

The first generation of atomic clocks (also known as Cesium oscillators) used the frequency of this atom, which vibrates 9,192,631,770 times per second. Essen's model was meant exactly for a second every 300 years, but the development of the cesium oscillatorthey can now achieve an accuracy of one second every 80 million years ago.

But given the technology is more advanced, scientists strive to better and more accurate clocks. Rubidium standard clocks do not provide better accuracy than cesium models are smaller and cost less (cesium oscillators) are usually found only in large physics laboratories.

Watches with only a single atom have been developed to offer even more accuracy. A clock on the basis of a single atom of mercuryhas achieved accuracies of one second in 400 million years ago and it is expected that a new type of strontium clock uses light to go even better.

The future of atomic clocks is always greater accuracy, combined with a reduction in the size and cost of them. The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have unveiled a chip size atomic clock provides the millisecond.

Atomic clocks are now an integral part of our life, without the timeSignals that they would be in the world, which are picked up by modern communications NTP server from the Internet shopping and GPS and technological advances such as satellite navigation becomes impossible to be transferred.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

What Voice Broadcasting Can Do For You

Know how you are generating a large, but certain types of customers one of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face every day. There is no doubt that it can be done, and some companies are doing very well so. But there are many other companies that simply can not concentrate enough to win these customers and maintain all other aspects of their business. It is the biggest struggle. The World Wide Web has made an even more important aspect of business lifebecause of its global reach. Mailings are practically non-existent in those days and it has all become, to a certain type of voice broadcasting. Now with the availability of a voice broadcasting software, which was created in order to make the transition quickly and easily, you can reach all these people that you could not before.

We all want a strong customer base, which grow rapidly and we also want those customers who may react negatively to create in order to remove your product. There are two things thatbe carried out here. Surely you will save much time when it comes to fall negative customers and also help you become more focused on the customer base.

Voice broadcasting has run increasingly popular in recent years as a way of doing business. One of the companies that offers this kind of service is one of the best programs in order due to the fact that this type of marketing is really working. The reason that this type of software is sois important because in this new age, everything is online and we need a way, in order to reach all customers in distant lands, that we could not. Web-based marketing has become the cornerstone in the fight to attract new customers from around the world. Here voice broadcasting comes in.

Many companies will charge an initial fee to get started. Once paid, you should have access to all the tools you need in place to run. Some companies are also free of chargeOnline training, along with tons of free information and resources as an added bonus. These things are the key to getting started in the right direction, so make sure a company that you choose the tools you need, you will be successful.

If you are very familiar with this program, you will start to be able to target your contacts. You also need to record your message as you hear it gladly. Then you can just sit back and enjoy all the benefits begin, theYour software offers.

What you say has become more important than in the past. "Cold calling" In the past, the way companies generated the interest of the customer. And as we all know, this can be very time consuming and labor intensive. Even then, this was a much better way to reach your targeted customer base as sending information packets. You can reach to a large number of potential customers, with a few mouse clicks. This is a convenient way to reach all of themCustomers at once instead of one after the other. This also greatly increases the time and money saved. This process is so simple, it can immediately be put into operation. It can take very little time to get used to the program, but if you do, you will see how easy it is to work.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wall Clocks - A Timeless Fascination

Who has the record there is never enough time in the day for everything I make one? Not only do we have all heard this word often, but we have probably told us. In today's world people seem to be obsessed with time. Our life seems to be ruled by time and the holder that the time clocks.

From the beginning, people have searched for a reliable way to think of time, from monitoring the phases of the moon or the pursuit of the sun and stars for the transfertime. Early on the precise timing creates the hourglass, indexed, candles, designed to burn at a fixed rate and water powered contain.

It is a timeless fascination with time keeping and clocks from ancient times. These clocks from long ago are still imitated today, but with the help of modern technologies for their mechanism of action.

There is not a house in the U.S., today announced that a clock does not adorn the walls. Whether it be custom made or purchased business, the wall clockrevives our spirits and surroundings. No matter what design theme you have, you will find a wall clock, your character and décor. These clocks are functional, practical and extremely decorative.

Wall clocks are generally offered in two types of movement, a mechanical key wound or a quartz movement Clock is. The key wound wall clocks mechanical clocks, which are supplied with energy or with weights, either hanged or driven by springs. Those guys have in the woundto operate with a key. Quality wall clocks offer the attractiveness of a sophisticated timepiece. Many of the functions, such as traditional ringing of methods are available on the electronic versions. Quartz clocks require less maintenance and the facilities are typically designed with the same quality standards of traditional mechanical clocks.

Most clocks run on AA batteries, but most recently some are automatically adjust for daylight saving time. More technicallyadvanced clocks receive radio signals from standard global clocks make them as accurate and precise as possible.

There are a variety of matches wall clocks for every taste and style. They come in modern and retro. You can feature different themes such as movies, music, sports, cartoons and celebrities. Make some clocks specifically for certain rooms of the house, like your kitchen and bathroom. Also for your selection is great and smallWatches, Flowers, radio controlled, pendulum, classic, cuckoo, digital, children's and outdoor wall clocks. They all bring warmth and elegance and are available in a variety of surfaces and materials. Some have properties that we can never imagine possible. Depending on your personal taste and budget can be wall clocks in wood, metal, acrylic, glass to be found, turquoise, slate and stone.

One of the most important factors before purchasing the clock is to decide where youplace it. This will determine whether the clock is an accent for the room or the main point of contact when you enter the room. The clock is a conversation piece with its visual beauty and sound. There are clocks that also be wall-mounted and are quartz driven. There are some that are central to wound with chime silence options. You can also mount an alarm clock to your wall. I have one, says that the days of the week, month, date and temperature.

Thestriking example, I have found, a pace clock. If you are not seen you in a real joy. These clocks show movement, light and sound fantastic for entertaining your family. They are about a dozen different models from modern to traditional disposal. This clock is the talk of the neighborhood. They have a feature that is built in, so that activates an automatic night shut off.

Another advantage of the wallClock it is too great gifts. It is for each one you might know, and for every occasion. They are stylish and functional and can be custom made according to your specifications and even logo for that special person.

Here you can find wall clocks in furniture stores, home decor stores and specialty stores selling only watches. Now you have all the answers and the reasons why this place a big piece on your walls. So before the clock strikes the next hour, do not hesitate to startYour search immediately.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

NTP Server Systems-The Network Time Protocol

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is determined by NTP Server systems are used to distribute accurate time information to network time clients. The NTP protocol is used throughout the Internet for the synchronization of computers and processes. This article discusses how NTP server systems, the Network Time Protocol to use nets with a precise reference granted.

NTP Overview

NTP is in use as an Internet Protocol for more than 25 years. It is the longestcontinuously operating Internet protocol. The protocol was born through the need to synchronize the time provided critical processes over the Internet. NTP runs primarily on Linux and UNIX platforms, including Free-BSD, but has been ported to some extent on Windows operating systems. Dedicated NTP server systems generally use the Linux operating system.

The NTP protocol

NTP has been designed to provide network time clients with three products: system clock offset, round-tripDelay and dispersion relative to a specified reference period clock. Clock offset is the time difference between the local clock and reference Clock. "Round-trip delay, which measures the amount of time required by the protocol to obtain a response from the server. Dispersion is the maximum error of the local clock relative to the specified reference.

NTP Stratum

NTP is followed in a hierarchical way, the primary reference by secondary sources andCustomers. At the top of the hierarchy is the primary reference is usually to an external time source like a radio or GPS synchronized clock. The primary reference is attributed to a layer of this book. Each level in the hierarchy is a layer that is larger than the previous level. As the layer increases the accuracy of the reference decreased slightly due to inconsistencies in network path timing. Secondary references have a layer between two andfifteen.

NTP Messages

NTP uses the UDP (User Data-gram Protocol) protocol. The NTP message consists of a number of areas: Leap Indicator, Version Number, Mode, Stratum, Poll, Precision, Delay Root, Root dispersion; Reference Identifier, Reference Timestamp, Timestamp, Receive Timestamp; Transmit Timestamp; Key Identifier and Message Digest .

The leap indicator warns of an impending leap second addition or deletion. The version specifies the version of NTP inuse. Mode specifies the NTP mode of the current message. Stratum is an eight-bit value that indicates the hierarchical level of the reference clock. Poll interval specifies the maximum distance between the messages. Precision determines the accuracy of the local clock. Root delay gives the round-trip delay for the reference. Root dispersion shows the nominal error relative to the primary reference. Reference-id is a 4-digit ASCII string identifying the reference numberSource, such as GPS, DCF or MSF. Reference time stamp indicates the time when it was last adjusted on the reference clock. The Originate Timestamp is the time of the NTP Request message, the customer went to the NTP server. Receive Timestamp is the time of the NTP request message was from the NTP server. Transmit Timestamp is the time of the NTP response message was transmitted from the server to the client. The key identifier field is used when the authentication isis required and provides the message authentication code.

NTP server mode

A NTP server can operate in three modes: Unicast, Anycast and Multicast. In unicast and anycast mode, the client sends an NTP request message to the server. The server responds with an NTP message using the client for time synchronization. In multicast mode, the NTP messages are broadcast at regular intervals specified.

NTP reference clocks

Primary NTP servers can synchronize with aNumber of external time sources. The GPS (Global Positioning System) is often used to represent an accurate timing reference. There are also a number of national time and frequency radio broadcasts available. The time WWVB radio broadcast transmitted from Colorado, and includes most of the United States. The DCF-77 radio clock signal from Frankfurt am Main, Germany broadcast, and extends far into Central and Western Europe. The MSF radio clock signal broadcast from Rugby,UK, and covers the British Isles and much of Western Europe. Other local time and frequency radio broadcasts include: TDF, France and CHU, Canada.

NTP versions

The current version of NTP Version 4 The only significant change to the protocol between versions 3 a.m. to 4 p.m. header is a slight re-interpretation to accommodate IPv6.

SNTP - Simple Network Time Protocol

SNTP is a simplification of the Network Time Protocol, where the complexity of theadult protocol are not required. SNTP can be implemented when the high performance synchronization of NTP is not required. The message format of the SNTP protocol is almost identical to that of the NTP protocol. However, these complex routines designed to provide a very accurate time synchronized to be maintained away or simplified. Small computer with reduced processing power, such as micro-controllers or monitoring devices most commonly use SNTP. The SNTP and NTP protocols are fullyinterchangeable synchronize a SNTP client to a NTP server without any problems.

For more information: NTP RFCs

The original was introduced in the Network Time Protocol RFC 958 (Request for Comments: 958). The full NTP protocol version 3 and synchronization algorithms are described in RFC 1305. The SNTP version 4 protocols are described in RFC 2030.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

283 Hour Digital Voice Recorder

5 equalizer ...), and USB storage device. Specifications: • Digital Voice / Phone Recorder and MP3 player and FM radio • Full digital design for crystal clear sound quality standard • Five equalizer (, rock, jazz, CLASS, piano) • USB interface for quick up load or download • Super slim handy portable design with LED backlight for night operation • Built-in digital FM radio • FM recording available • Voice Operated Recording (VOR) available • Phone RecordingAdapter is included ...

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Monday, November 23, 2009

【初音ミク】 COCOLOの時計(CLOCK IN MY HEART) 【オリジナル曲】

■ High quality sound version → ■ X-Plorez第7弾はミクリンデュエット,泣きの入った人間系ロックバラードです.演出効果として中盤から音質,音量が変ります.ご注意くださいませ♪ ■ミク調教をお願いしたM氏に心からの感謝を! ■イラストはピアプロのかぶき様, Celi様, alisato様にお借りしました.どうもありがとうございましたm (_ _) m ■ニコニコ動画版→ ■ X-Plorez's 7th original rock ballad song with Kagamine Rin and Miku Hatsune. It is an effect used for this song

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Wealth Homestudy Has Changed Our Lives

Today a year ago, a friend talked me into purchasing a wealth home study program and a 4-day live seminar. While skeptical at the beginning and, like many 'get rich quick schemes deliberately "out there, I thought, what the hell, I work very hard on a daily basis, and there must be a better way to earn an income. The decision to invest in the home study that has changed our lives. Read how.

As a result of observation of the home study and participation in theSeminar, I have changed my attitude forever. I grew up that the money not only grow on trees, and money is the root of all evil. How wrong are these words! The home study program has taught me how to make money while I sleep. In addition, supplied me with the financial education I had missed in my teenage years.

The home study has the task of "transforming the way people think, by the most practical, they motivate and influence on this culture in the 21st centurythe world today that every situation will allow, an exceptional quality of life to create. "

There were 18 different speakers who will participate in the 4-day event with the keynote speaker said millionaire entrepreneur Jamie McIntyre. Jamie discusses the building of financial information and with your financial goals. He led us through the discovery of our primary goal in life and how we can achieve this goal. Other topics of Jamie and his selected speakers have included the many differentStrategies to do with stocks, options, CFD's, property and finance.

At the beginning of the course we had to write down our expectations for the program. I listed are "less financial and from day to day stress, be healthier to work on a variety of necessity, 2 holidays a year with my family, reducing our mortgage and build a financial base for long-term security.

In the 12 months since the completion of home study, I gather the first 6 months to provide information and educate meand then took action before 6 months with a range of strategies.

I've learned to reduce stress in my life. One of the most important quotes I like to use is: "The quality of my life is brought about by the quality of my thinking" and the second one: "What other people think about me is not my business." In the last 4 months I've kg lost 8.6 and I eat healthier than I ever have. I now find the time for a walk or run each day as well. Our family has a vacation thisBe planned year and a 3 weeks vacation during the year. Our mortgage loan of 15,000 U.S. dollars in the last 6 months and reduced use of the shares covered by lease and sale of insurance policies in the home study, we have 20,000 U.S. dollars in the last 5 months.

I also have the significant change in two groups of friends who have also made the home study program.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009


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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Natural Gas Air Conditioning

Natural gas is generally for use in cooking, eating well known, heating water, heating buildings, fueling vehicles and running large commercial and industrial equipment. It is also used for cooling in warm weather with considerable cost savings compared to electric alternatives.

Natural gas air conditioning is not new. In the United States, natural gas in the 1930s and 40s met cooling needs. Electric refrigeration was introduced only for the cooling marketIn the 1960s, but the use of natural gas air conditioning still grew because of lower capital costs, good efficiency and very low electrical rates. By the 1970s, the use of electric air conditioning increased, while natural gas air conditioning declined, and in 1990 only 5% of all air conditioning in the United States was of natural gas. However, many are rediscovering that it involved spending money for cooling, and environmental protection in the electric airAir-conditioner and gas is back in the picture.

The latest natural gas air conditioning technology is much more advanced than the older technology, and has nowadays provides superior energy efficiency than the older systems. Natural gas air conditioning is also offered in a variety of sizes to meet almost any customer's needs in the homes of all sizes and large commercial or industrial facilities to be.

The main advantages of natural gas air conditioning, there are many. Notonly reduce the overall cost of ownership than the electric meter parts, they are also CFC-free, which makes design of the environment. They are also available for use in existing electrical systems can not be upgraded easily, and where air power proving costly.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Why You Want a Whole House Water Filtration System

I'm not sure whether you are aware, but there are some problems with the way water is processed in the country. If you want someone to take a more active role in your health, read on.

Not too long ago, I did the research on water quality, after what seemed like my one millionth of a report on television about water. This special report shows that bottled water is practically the same as tap water. The next question I had, what about theQuality of tap water.

I had remembered the stories of herbicides and pesticides found in water a few years ago and wanted to follow up and see how things progressed in the water. I must admit that I thought that would bring new technologies to improve methods for filtering water.

What I found was that the U.S. system to treat the need to update and many people doubt the ability of treatment plants to high-quality water was delivered to homes.These people were from the plants themselves and by government authorities.

A current list of things in the water seemed to grow. Many drugs and chemicals have been found with some of the older stuff such as chlorine and lead. These drugs and chemicals are flushed or washed down the drain, even in our bodies when we shower every day.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

War/No More Trouble | Playing for Change | Song Around The World - As we are on our way around the world, we met love, hate, rich and poor, black and white, and many different religious groups and ideologies. It became very clear that as a human race we need from darkness to light and music crossed is our weapon of the future. This song offers musicians all over the world who have seen and overcome conflict and hatred with love and perseverance. We dont need more trouble, what we need is love. The Spirit of Bob ...

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

General Electric AM/FM Stereo Cassette Clock Radio.

A classic small stereo system with radio and cassette player with an alarm clock to wake in their sleep.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

KPFK Radio - Armenian Genocide Part 2

Four O'Clock News Report with Gustavo Arellano: The ANC-WR Executive Director, Antranig Kizirian, is a guest on KPFK-FM 90.7

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Stephen Grant on Comedy Countdown

Stephen Grant, Paul Sinha, Dan Atkinson, Paul Kerensa, Terry Saunders, James Sherwood and the comedy play chaotic countdown clock in the Golden Balloon ... Comedy Gilded Balloon Stephen Grant Countdown Conundrum Dan Atkinson

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Perfect Clock

The persecution of the time, a necessity, an obsession, a hobby and a profession that dates back to the beginnings of human habitation. The attempt to create a perfect timing device that has proved difficult - very difficult. In fact, the search goes well today.

The earliest clock was presumably from a sundial stabbed a stick in the ground - a technique still in use today. As she watches developed further developed. Mechanisms came into use asWater clocks that measure time by a certain quantity of water from a ship when an exact opening or hourglasses, the sand generally in the same manner leaks.

Over the millennia, people have constantly been improving the methods of keeping time and the accuracy of the clock and again with new and improved designs. The water clock was the precise timing device for thousands of years. Also driven by the development of the spring clocks in the 15thCentury were water clocks even more accurate. The development of the pendulum clock in 17th Century changed that fact.

The use of pendulum introduced oscillation, or repetitive motion, the time measurement. With the rapid transition from mechanical to electronic technology in the search for accurate clocks produced fascinating progress. With quartz tuning forks, polycarbonate resonance and vibrations of the quantum theory in full agreement with the time has come only towithin 1 second in about 100 million years ago.

Continues to be the search. Perfect Clock is proving to be difficult to animal.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Is That My FM Car Radio Playing A Text Message?

If you think you can only hear music or talk radio, think again. The new technology, HD Radio, brings with it the ability to send SMS messages of all kinds

In fact, the SMS messages can be as simple as the name of a song and the artist or as complicated as traffic alerts, weather or an important news updates.

Ultimately, it will up to each individual HD radio station to decide what it wants to do with text messaging. Some may choose to expense received for a service such as transport. Others may decide to play with the name of the song and stay with the artist. Still other stations may choose whether to betray the traffic or weather updates, but with short text advertising - the cost of free SMS charged.

As an example of SMS, Amy Gilroy recently reported twice (This Week in Consumer Electronics), that by the end of the year, Clear Channel will provide traffic information in real-time information about HD> Radio.

According to Clear Channel, the new HD radio service in 48 markets this year to start with more than 100 stations broadcasting HD traffic information. The company will eventually roll out this service to all its HD channels.

The increased bandwidth in the HD radio signal is expected to improve services, weather updates, including updates and Point of Interest (POI).

Clear Channel says a significant number of suppliers are alreadyprovides real-time traffic information, including Audiovox, TomTom, Garmin and Cobra

HD radios are now more expensive than conventional radios. One reason is because they are designed to display the text messages, and because some of the digital components are found more expensive than the traditional analog radio components have ..

However, as manufacturers such as Sony are expanding production, the cost for wireless devices expected to be much more competitive - with pricesof $ 100 or less.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Projection Clock Radio

There are different types and styles of the alarm clock radio available today. The clocks can be selected so that each house or any type of stand establishment in the house or office does not comply. One of the unique style of clock radios that are available today, is the projection clock radio.

The alarm clock shows the time either on the wall or ceiling is very helpful for you. This clock will project along with the correct timethe radio. These clocks contain the provision of alarm as well and it will be helpful for you to wake at the time you want with the radio channel that you choose. Wherever the clock is displayed, it will be clearly visible and one of the main advantages of these clocks is that it will be clearly visible in the dark as well.
Depending upon your personal preferences, you will be able to purchase this clock from the different models that are available. Some Models have button and when the button is pressed manually, the time will be displayed.

Some of the other models will automatically display the time and other functions, such as humidity, or the current temperature outside. This kind of watches have displayed the atomic clock and contain the in-built weather station that displays the current temperature inside and outside the building. The time, date, day of week is automatically displayed and there are eventhe animated weather. Some of the clocks at the same project, both temperature and time, and some other clock display either.

This clock is very stylish and includes radios or CD players and most of these watches come with multiple commands. These watches are available in different designs that are suitable for designing your house is.

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